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SteamCMD is needed tool for installing dedicated servers like Ark, Palworld, Enshrouded.

For this guide, we will be using Ubuntu 22.04

All code boxes will be in copy and paste mode so it's nice and easy :)

Create a Steam User

We need to create a user just for SteamCMD this recommends by steams themselves for security reasons.

as the root user do the following commands

sudo useradd -m steam
sudo passwd steam

then we go to the main folder of that user

sudo -u steam -s
cd /home/steam

Setting up System

Use the one related to your OS

// CentOS
sudo yum update

// Debian
sudo apt-get update

// OpenSUSE
sudo zypper up

// Ubuntu
sudo apt update

// Fedora
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

SteamCMD requires a few packages to be installed for it install games.. I know, I know a little more code

sudo add-apt-repository multiverse; sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; sudo apt update

okay now we can install SteamCMD

sudo apt install steamcmd

Now once it's finished installing lets just make sure that it installed correctly! Just type steamcmd once it loaded it should show Steam> , if so just type in quit and it will bring us back to the main console

Last thing, you will need to edit the .bashrc file to provide access to the /usr/games path where SteamCMD is located.
Open the file using nano editor by running:

sudo nano /home/steam/.bashrc

head down to the end of the file using your down arrow key and add the following

export PATH="/usr/games/:$PATH"

Save the file and quit nano by using CTRL + X, followed by Y to confirm and lastly ENTER.

There you go! You've installed SteamCMD and now you can install some game servers!

Updated on: 30/09/2024

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